Throughout this year, the JEPS Bulletin brought to you a number of research stories and experiences that hopefully served to deepen our knowledge of psychological research and scientific publishing. Allow me, then, to point out a handful of the favorite Bulletin posts of 2013. Although it’s a shame to miss out on any of our contributors’ exceptional work, please make sure you don’t overlook this baker’s dozen, which are ranked among the favorite posts of the year.
10) Lorna Ruse: A Change of View Using Visual Methods to Explore Experience in Qualitative Research
The relevance of qualitative methods for psychological reserarch and, in particular, visual methodology.
9) Sina Scherer: How to Collect Data Effectively: An Overview of the Best Online Survey Providers
The pros and cons of some of the best online survey providers.
8) Shane McLoughlin: On the Importance of Behavioral Research
A critical approach of paradigms in psychologycal research, in particular the influence of cognitivism in the way research is conducted.
7) Magdalena Kossowska: How to design effective figures for journal articles
Tips on how to skillfully design and present data on a visual medium.
6) Ezra Bottequin: Hunting for Significant Results: Don’t Do It
The drawback of chasing a significant p-value.
5) Laura Rai: Unpaid Psychology Sositions: A Graduate’s Perspective
The issues the job market poses for psychology students and how can they gain field experience.
4) Chris Noone: Replication Studies: It’s Time to Clean Up Your Act, Psychologists!
About the purpose and importance of replication studies and how can we, psychology students, help to overcome this issue.
3) Etien Benov: APA’s Five General Principles of Ethics
An overview of the general ethical considerations when conducting psychological research.
2) Magdalena Kossowska: How to Read and Get the Most Out of a Journal Article
Tips on how to critically evaluate and profit from scientific articles.
1) Martin Vasilev: What Are the Most Common APA Style Mistakes Done by Students
A survey of the most frequent mistakes when writing a scientific article in terms of referencing, formatting and citing sources.