Is there anything you ever wanted to know about JEPS and the people behind it? Here are answers to our ten most frequently asked questions.
- Who are we?
We are students from all over Europe and, as Editorial Team of the Journal of European Psychology Students (check out our Website here), we run JEPS. Together with a group of other people (Associate Editors, Reviewers, Copyeditors, and Proofreaders), we see students’ manuscripts through the publication process.
- What is so special about JEPS? What are the benefits of publishing with JEPS?
You get extensive feedback and support throughout the publication process, especially in areas where students might need help: APA-standards, English language skills, revising the manuscript after review… and you can always ask for help, no matter what comes up. We take into account that students are students and thus do not have as much time, money or other resources as professional researchers. This means, for example, that our reviewers do not ask for additional data collection in their recommendations.
- What kind of articles does JEPS publish?
JEPS publishes research articles and literature reviews that focus on questions relevant to psychology or psychology-related fields (e.g., neuroscience, behavioral economics, animal behavior, etc.).
- When can I submit a manuscript?
You can submit your manuscript at anytime (here)! There is no need to wait for a call for papers.
- Do I have to pay for submitting my manuscript?
Even though our application processing cost is € 250, we understand that students do not always get funding from their university. In such cases, we have waivers that cover the full cost.
Also, JEPS is unique in that the majority of our submissions get reviewed – by professional researchers which ensures that students get valuable feedback. Most importantly, we care about publishing sound research regardless of significance of effects and whether your research is “sexy” or not.
- What happens after I submit a manuscript?
After submitting your manuscript, you will be assigned an Editor. She or he will work with you during the technical review – this entails making sure your manuscript adheres to the APA- and JEPS-guidelines (e.g., formatting, making sure the manuscript is anonymous, running your manuscript through plagiarism software, etc.). After all necessary corrections have been made, your article will go through content review where one of our Associate Editors (AEs) recruits reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. After receiving two or more reviews, the AE will decide whether your manuscript can be accepted for publication as is, needs revision, needs major revision and resubmission, or is rejected.
- Do I have to be enrolled in university to be able to submit a manuscript?
Research must have been conducted during your undergraduate or master’s degree (PhD research is not considered). You can submit your research until two years after completion of your degree. JEPS only accepts submissions for which a student is the principal author.
- Who is reading JEPS and where can I find your papers?
JEPS is a scientific journal and as such our articles are relevant to the whole psychological scientific community (students, researchers, etc.) but also to all who are interested in psychological research. Our articles can be accessed for free on our website, and can be found on GoogleScholar, CrossRef, EBSCOHost, JISC KB+, SHERPA RoMEO, and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
- Do I need to pay for articles published by JEPS?
No! We are open access, so you can access our articles for free on our website.
- What is the relationship between JEPS and EFPSA?
JEPS is a service provided by EFPSA (European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations), and therefore all members of the Editorial Team are psychology students from European universities. JEPS mainly publishes research by European psychology students, but submissions from other parts of the world are always welcome.
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